Wednesday, November 21, 2012

school. life.

so. about school.

they say it's important and that you must graduate to move forward in life. I totally understand that and my goal one day is to graduate.

however, at this point in life, finishing high school is unrealistic. I'm working 2-3 jobs (kennel, hotel and editing), resulting in a schedule that has me leaving at 0630 hrs every morning and many nights not getting back until midnight or later, to wake up and leave at 0630 hours the next day. this has brought me to a point of "chronic exhaustion" in which my brain can not absorb the materials that i need to be able to, in order to finish school.  add that to my lifelong struggle with learning and it honestly looks like it's impossible to graduate right now.

i never wanted life to be this exhausting, stressful or crazy, but none of my jobs give me enough money to pay the bills and get ahead at all, so i have to work all of them. when i try to do school, i can't and it frustrates the heck out of me, on top of adding to an overwhelming cloud of guilt because i'm not doing school. anybody with some knowledge of health can tell you that constant stress is terrible for you, as is constant guilt, and when you add those together, it's a REALLY bad combination. my body/health can testify to that and that has to change.

so. my life {goal, plan, hope, ideal} outlined right now:

*i'm putting a hold on school, indefinitely. i need to graduate someday, that just isn't in the near, foreseeable future.
*i'm going to focus on working, and nothing else
*I am trying to move to Va Beach. I love the place, people, and i'm ready for a change in pace. 
*get myself with a job and a life that will let me recover and get the support i need to finish school
*join the Marines

we shall see. but i'd appreciate prayers as i continue on with life, and if you know anyone who'd hire me or has as good, cheap place for rent in the va beach area, let me know. i'm really lonely where i am in life, both in my situation, area, and the season of life. nothing major (minus finances, no biggie...) is holding me back from moving. i just need the opportunities.

also note--Allison Ann Young was born at 0910 hrs today, weighing 9lb, 1oz. kid number 8 in the Young family. i may meet her some day.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your baby sister!

    I will continue praying for you.
