Saturday, June 4, 2011


i'm finally facing reality and realizing that my dreams are just that--dreams. they won't happen. i need to be realistic about my future. yea, being President would be awesome. but let's be realistic. it's not going to happen. same with other dreams. becoming a k-9 bloodhound SAR trainer, and paramedic, specializing in dealing with drugs. running for Congress. being in politics all my life.

that's why i'm seriously considering joining the U.S. Army.

i have reasons.

1. i want to serve my country.
2. i've dreamed about doing it for years--since i was like 5.
3. i want to prove that i can do it.
4. i want to show that you can be in the military and still be a lady.
5. i want to show that being a female and in the military is honorable.
6. i want to do something honorable with my life.
7. for the experience and discipline.
8. it's a good way to "rebel" without it being wrong or doing anything stupid.
9. it'll give me a good foundation for anything else in life.

but i'm not totally sure what to do now. i wanted to do Army ROTC while in college...but right now, it's looking like i won't be going to college. maybe not even finishing high school. i'd like to get my GED and join right now, but i'm not old enough. and that would have me entering at the lowest level of the Army, which really wouldn't be cool. so i'm kind of stuck.

i need to fail somewhere. i have this thing for being able to bounce back from anything pretty well. sometime it's not going to happen. it might as well happen with my schoolwork. with highschool. and i might as well show everyone i won't always meet their expectations. at least in joining the Army, some people will support it.

 i'm waiting for some replies from friends in the Army and Navy who would be able to give me some experienced advice. hopefully what they say will give me some more of an idea of what to do...

some of my friends fully support me. others are ok with it, although it's not what they would choose. family does not. but then again, nothing is ok with the family. so that doesn't really matter in what i decide.

why Army? it's basically the hardest physically, other than the Marines. it has the longest deployments. it's the biggest branch of the armed forces.

"you couldn't deal with all the yelling and being pushed around in the military." wanna see? "you'll be teased forever about being so short." nothing new. i can deal with it. "girls can't be in the military." i can.

growing up is hard. thinking through my future is hard. it's kind of not cool. 

these are just a few thoughts of mine on this. i might write more later. we shall see.


  1. I'm coming out of left field here, but at the very least I find numbers 1, 6, 8, and 9 to be highly questionable and morally dubious at worst. Consider what military culture is actually like and whether or not you wish to be at the command of whatever moron gets elected president of this North American empire. Remember, this continental union of sovereign states views its power as unlimited and its moral authority over the rest of the world as unquestionable. I would challenge you to examine very closely what you believe politically and how you can reconcile that with being a cog in the military machine that opposes probably much of what you value. In my view, it's only honorable when the cause is honorable.

    If you absolutely must join the military, you might want to consider the National Guard or one of the many state defense forces.

    For full disclosure: I dated a girl whose father is a marine. Also, most military people basically hate me for my family origins.

  2. okay. =)i have to agree with you to a point--i'm realizing that our military isn't supposed to be a constant, but for our protection. as a libertarian, i believe we need to not be the world's "police country" and keep out of more.

    i can try to explain a bit more for each of my points...

    "1. i want to serve my country." being in the military, even if we don't agree with it totally, is still serving the country. protecting it, defending it.
    "6. i want to do something honorable with my life." military will give me a springboard for any other career and give me time to figure out where to go in life.
    "8. it's a good way to "rebel" without it being wrong or doing anything stupid." this would be "rebel" from what i've always been taught. i can join the military and not go make some other choices that i will majorly regret.
    "9. it'll give me a good foundation for anything else in life." if i have a military foundation, i have a good chance at getting a good job in what i want. it gives me some specialized experience.

    family origins?
