Thursday, June 16, 2011

Lead Me to The Rock

i kind of like music. a lot. it's saved my life more than once. sooo....don't be surprised if approximately every other post is about music.

i got the CompassionArt album the other day. i really hated it at first, but since listening to it like 6 times, i'm discovering it's actually a pretty good album. this one song, by Paul Baloche, has really hit me.

When my heart is overwhelmed
And my eyes are blind to you
And the pain of life is just too heavy to bear
When the mountain seems so high
And my faith too weak to climb
Lord, lead me to the rock that is higher than I
Lead me to the rock
Lead me to the rock
Lead me to the rock that is higher than I
When my life is hit with fear
And I fight to hide the tears
And I wrestle in my heart to know what to do
Lord, I’m welling up inside
But I know you hear my cry
Jesus, lead me to the rock that is higher than I
You are the rock, there is no other
A tower of strength, you are my shelter
You are my hope eternal
You are the rock that is higher than I

 i'll keep coming back to this, but it's true. we don't have to do life on our own. we have Jesus, our rock, with us. He's not going to move. He'll always be there for us. and He knows everything. he knows when we are crying in the inside and can't show it. He knows when we have pain so deep, so painful, inside us, pain that there aren't words for. and He cares. He's our shelter, and our daddy. He's the one who gives us the ultimate comfort.

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