Thursday, January 5, 2012

life continues on...

life's really actually pretty easy right now. my life consists of doing 42+ hours of school, chores, church, the occasional run and being a klutz. as usual. ......uh. yeah. i need to get involved in another campaign. and yet it feels mad crazy busy. what is up with this?

oh yeah. then there's the big decisions to make. the pondering of stuff. {111 days til i'm 18. aahhh!!!!} the praying and searching. debating stuff, tossing ideas about life around. dreaming. hoping. wishing.

and school. i'm officially convinced that it's the government's plan to try to kill us all and make the earth go extinct. {don't tell them that it's not working too well... the world's ending this year anyhow.}

  anyhow. i found one of my new hobbies. going to this place. climbing on these rocks. {having a few heart-stopping slips.} and not dying. they say the not dying part is good...if you've ever been to Gettysburg, it's kind of like some of the rock formations there, but almost better. the indians went up here for many years and used it for "spying." you can see for miles.

after climbing up the front side of this, we then realized that there was a back side which might have been safer to go we got pics from that side.

michelle is my reenacting buddy and we've decided to go exploring together. she says my dare-devil-ness makes her do more stuff...

i fell off the top of that...landed on a ledge and was like "oh, i'll take a pic." {there was a good many feet to fall after that, had i fallen more.}

this is the cliff that i slipped off the top of...

this is looking down from one of the huge rock formations

i discovered that this place is awesome to go to if you want to work on getting over fear of heights...and hope to go back sometime kind of soon. we shall see. it's amazing how much fun you can have outside in your area. i forgot how many awesome places there are here. i love PA.

this has been one of my favorite songs currently, i guess. it's a really good reminder. no matter how alone we feel, no matter how beaten down i feel, no matter how much i feel like giving up, no matter how tired i am, i'm not alone. Jesus is there. he carries me. all the way. he catches me when i fall. he never leaves me alone.

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