Monday, September 17, 2012

VVS 2012

Soooo vvs is officially over. Like usual, it went by insanely fast.

Highlights included:

-jumping in the pool with our normal clothes on.
-comparing Norwegian and American politics in the hot tub.
-getting asked out (that included going swimming, but this time without my clothes on...) by a slightly drunk but mostly hungover guy.
-meeting Rand Paul and having a mind blank moment that resulted in no pic or autograph with him.
-running into Sam Roher and finally getting a picture with him.
-skipping the gala to pack up and move the conference out, have a pallet fall off as it was going on the truck, running up and down stairs and service elevators, riding metro, getting shown what happened at the FRC shooting, and going to BGR: the burger joint.
-A bajillion inside jokes about spoons and a failed attempt at a practical joke that involved spoons and got hotel security called on us.
-a bajillion inside jokes about everything.
-claiming our own student staff room to play cards and laugh.
-making friends with the security guards.
-having several people misunderstand me saying "Belgian Malanios" (the secret service/police k-9s)
as "Belgian melon" and having quite a lot of confusion.
-"seet down deeners" and super fancy "just cookies."
-laughter, laughter and more laughter.
-metro surfing and new awesome friends.
-skinny jeans and stories that involve them.

Yeah. So my feedback may not be why everyone wants. I was honored to be student staff and had a blast.

I also walked out of Paul Ryan's speech because I'm sick of the bs that he and Romney keep spreading. The "heckler" that yelled "corporations are not people" during his speech was right on. But I digress.

This, however, made me the most mad. Other than being told that I must remove the Ron Paul pin from my backpack. Watch the two videos.

Basically, some lgbt people showed up and protested. Okay. Cool. They also were causing a scene and ruckus so got escorted out. Okay. Cool.

Uhm. But wait. Did you notice the attendees? How rude and disrespectful they were? Lgbt people are humans too. They're people too. I saw this happen and I just watched. I felt no need to counter-protest or push anyone around. However, I must say that the actual escortation (new word, k? k.) wasn't nearly as violent as it looks in any videos online that I can find.

anyhow. VVS was amazing and I can't wait for next year. I haven't laughed that much in such a long time and it was good. I felt like I fit in really well and was accepted. It was cool.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the highlights, Heidi told me some of the stories and boy it sounds like guys guys seriously had a blast. What interesting people you encountered. I'm so glad you had a great time.
