Saturday, February 11, 2012

yay craziness

i like craziness. 

i have a job!!! It's at a place called Marianna's Fundraisers and is like a different department of DelGrosso's Amusement Park, where I worked this summer.  {i promise, the place is better than the website.} i start thursday. aaaand it should be interesting. very interesting. still food service, which is always interesting, because there's all the food codes that you have to follow.

we have people coming over tonight and tomorrow. it promises to experience. 

monday and tuesday I'm working at the flower shop i helped start in 06. the Flower Hut is a pretty cool place. especially when you do that arrive at-0800-hours-work-til-late-crash-at-a-friend's-house-for-a-few-hours-work-all-day-again-thing. hehe. i'm excited though. valentine's day is fun because there's always a ton of roses that i get to work with. and all these guys call, totally clueless about what they should get for their wife or girlfriend. so you get to ask them questions and basically choose what the girl in their life gets. it would be even better if i was a hopeless romantic...

wednesday we're doing ground work and laying trails for the Heaven Scent SAR team that i work with. yay!

thursday is first day of work. 

friday, saturday and sunday, a friend is coming up. saturday we're doing SAR training, going out to Fort Roberdeau, gonna go see a friend's gravesite and who knows what else.

oh, and I have to get in 52 hours of school somewhere in the middle... 

don't ask why i just posted this.

now that i just wrote this out, it doesn't seem as crazy as i thought it did, other than the social overload aspect of it. that will be interesting.

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